The Neon Blue Balloon Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) is a captivating freshwater fish, renowned for its vibrant electric blue coloration, compact balloon-shaped body, and peaceful demeanor. This selectively bred variety of the Ram Cichlid adds a unique and eye-catching element to aquariums. Ideal for community tanks or as a centerpiece fish, the Neon Blue Balloon Ram is perfect for aquarists looking for a striking yet manageable addition to their setup.
Product Details
Species:Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
Common Names: Neon Blue Balloon Ram, Electric Blue Balloon Ram
Origin: South America (wild ancestor); selectively bred in captivity
Diet: Omnivore
Maximum Size: 5–6 cm (2–2.5 inches)
Temperament: Peaceful
Care Level: Moderate
Care Guidelines
Aquarium Setup: Neon Blue Balloon Rams thrive in tanks of at least 40 liters with soft, sandy substrates and plenty of live plants, driftwood, and rocks for hiding and territorial boundaries. These fish prefer calm waters with gentle filtration and warm, stable water conditions. Include open swimming areas to accommodate their active behavior.
Water Parameters:
Temperature: 25°C – 28°C
pH Range: 6.0 – 7.5
Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (3–12 dGH)
Diet: Neon Blue Balloon Rams are omnivores and enjoy a varied diet. Provide high-quality cichlid pellets or flakes as a staple, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. Occasional plant-based foods like spirulina or blanched vegetables can also enhance their health and coloration. Feed them 2–3 times daily in small portions.
Behavior and Compatibility: These peaceful cichlids are well-suited for community tanks with other non-aggressive species such as tetras, Corydoras, and rasboras. Avoid keeping them with large or aggressive fish that may intimidate them. Neon Blue Balloon Rams can be kept singly, in pairs, or in small groups, provided the tank has sufficient space and hiding spots to minimize territorial disputes.
Growth and Maintenance:
Neon Blue Balloon Rams grow to about 6 cm and require stable water conditions and regular maintenance. Perform frequent water changes and monitor water quality closely, as they are sensitive to poor conditions. Their vibrant blue coloration and unique body shape make them a standout addition to any aquarium.
Availability: Neon Blue Balloon Rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) are available at Cradle Coast Pet & Aquarium. Visit or contact the store to check availability and bring home this beautiful and peaceful fish today!
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