The Square Block Anthias is a stunning and vibrant fish that brings a burst of color to any marine aquarium. Known for its unique square shape and vivid coloration, it is a favorite among aquarists who enjoy vibrant reef environments. It is an active species that thrives in groups and adds dynamic movement to the aquarium. The Square Block Anthias is a peaceful fish, ideal for community tanks and reef setups.
Product Details
Species:Pseudanthias squamipinnis
Common Names: Square Block Anthias, Square-Block Anthias, Squared Anthias
Origin: Indo-Pacific, including the Great Barrier Reef, Philippines, and Indonesia
Diet: Carnivore (Planktivorous)
Maximum Size: 8 cm (3 inches)
Temperament: Peaceful
Care Level: Moderate
Care Guidelines
Aquarium Setup: The Square Block Anthias requires a minimum tank size of 200 liters (53 gallons). It prefers reef aquariums with lots of live rock for hiding, grazing, and swimming space. This species does best in groups, so it is recommended to keep them in small schools to mimic their natural behavior. Provide moderate water flow and adequate filtration to maintain water quality.
Water Parameters:
Temperature: 24°C – 28°C (75°F – 82°F)
pH Range: 8.1 – 8.4
Water Hardness: 8 – 12 dKH
Specific Gravity: 1.020 – 1.025
Diet: The Square Block Anthias is a planktivorous fish that thrives on a diet rich in small meaty foods, such as:
Brine shrimp (live or frozen)
Mysis shrimp
High-quality frozen foods
Plankton-based pellets
They may also consume some zooplankton from the water column. Feed the Square Block Anthias multiple times a day to keep them healthy and energized.
Behavior and Compatibility: Square Block Anthias are generally peaceful, but they prefer to live in groups and may become stressed if kept alone. They are ideal for reef tanks and can coexist peacefully with most reef-safe fish and invertebrates. Keep in mind that they may be a bit shy around more aggressive species, so it's best to avoid housing them with overly territorial fish.
Tank Mates:
Peaceful fish like clownfish, wrasses, and tangs
Reef-safe invertebrates, such as shrimp and snails
Growth and Maintenance:
Square Block Anthias are relatively easy to care for as long as their water quality is maintained. They prefer stable conditions, so regular water changes (10-15% per week) and consistent filtration are essential. These fish thrive in a well-established reef tank with plenty of live rock, coral, and plankton-rich environments. They also benefit from good lighting, which helps promote their natural color.
The Square Block Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) is available at Cradle Coast Pet & Aquarium. Contact us for availability and make this striking species a highlight in your reef aquarium!
Due to variations within species and age of fish, your item may not look identical to the image provided.