The Triplespot Blenny is a peaceful species that will only show aggression to fish with a similar shape. Triple Spot Blennies have a mottled appearance, combining green and dark brown over their body. They have a paler stomach, usually light tan/cream, and the dorsal fins have hints of red and yellow.
Triple Spot Blennies reproduce with the female spawning demersal (sinking to the bottom) eggs into a nest on the substrate. The male will guard the eggs until hatching.
It is relatively easy to take care of Triplespot Blennies making them suitable for beginner aquarists. They are easy to get with specimens generally available.
Triplespot Blennies are gaining popularity, they have an inquisitive, entertaining personality and are active around the tank as they search for algae.
In the wild, their natural habitat is on rocky rubble or coral reefs, with plenty of algae and opportunities to perch. They usually stay between a depth of 1-25 meters. They are a small species with adults growing to a length of 4 inches (10 centimetres).
Their natural habitat is in South Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Western Pacific, Great Barrier Reef, Fiji, and Tonga.
Tank Recommendations for the Triplespot Blenny
The tank size for housing them should be at least 30 gallons (113.5 litres).
The Triplespot Blenny should be introduced to an established tank that contains plenty of algae for it to graze on.
A suitable tank should have a sand substrate, with plenty of live rock for sheltering, perching, and grazing. Blennies can jump out of the tank, so a secure lid is recommended.
Suitable Tank Buddies
Triplespot Blennies are peaceful with most other species but will show aggression to similarly shaped fish. Only mated pairs should be housed together.
Overly aggressive species are not recommended as they may bully and harass Blennies.
Usually Compatible
Triplespot Blennies can co-habit with a variety of fish. Suitable tank buddies include Anthias, Angelfish, Tangs, Butterflyfish, Clownfish, Puffers, Gobies, and reef-safe Wrasses.
Sometime Compatible
Triplespot Blennies will show aggression to conspecifics of the same sex. Caution is also advised with Batfish, Basslets, Dragonets, Cardinalfish, Hogfish, Grunts/Sweetlips, Pseudochromis, Squirrelfish, Parrotfish, and Triggerfish.
Rarely Compatible
Triplespot Blennies should not be housed with larger aggressive fish or fish that can swallow them. Avoid Eels, Anglers/Frogfish, Lions/Scorpions, Groupers, or Sharks/Rays. Delicate grazers such as Seahorse/Pipefish should also be avoided.
Feeding Your Triplespot Blenny
Triplespot blennies are herbivores. They enjoy consuming algae that grow naturally in aquariums. Their diet should also be supplemented with live and prepared marine algae, herbivorous food flakes and pellets, and vegetable products such as spirulina. They should be fed twice daily, just enough for them to finish eating in a couple of minutes.
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