Collection: Brightwell Aquatics
Brightwell Aquatics Ultra Planktos Z
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $44.99Regular priceUnit price / per50 - 2Kµm fortified Zooplankton Suspension for Fishes, Anemones, and other Zooplanktivorous Inhabitants of Temperate Marine Aquaria
- Formulated specifically for temperate (“cold water”) marine aquaria.
- Provides five types of marine zooplankton, and marine-based food particulates, collectively ranging in size from 50 µm - 2 mm.
- Fortified with free-form essential amino acids, vitamins important to immune system function, carotenoid-rich oils of marine origin (also rich in omega-3 HUFA), and natural feeding attractants to improve feeding responsiveness in fishes.
- Rich in natural pigments that have been found to intensify overall coloration in consuming morganisms.
- Appropriate for feeding anemones, LPS corals, gorgonians, and solitary and colonial polyps, particularly at night when tentacles are extended to maximize chances of prey-capture.
- Readily consumed by planktivorous fishes and motile, suspension-feeding invertebrates.
- Encourages polyp-expansion in anemones, gorgonians, and their allies.
- Does not require refrigeration.
- Formulated by a marine scientist.
Guaranteed Analysis
Moisture (max) 91.00%, crude protein (min) 5.20%, crude fat (min) 1.60%, crude fiber (min) 0.10%, ash (max) 2.10%.
Purified water, marine crustacean roe, adult cyclopoid copepods, phytoplankton-fortified adult arthropod cladocerans, adult and unhatched Brachionus sp., unhatched Artemia sp., proprietary free-form amino acids, proprietary marine oils, citric acid, ascorbic acid.
Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter Start XLM
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $59.99Regular priceUnit price / perProfessional 15x strength powerful live tank starter nitrifying bioculture, with much fewer temperature and shelf life restrictions than competing products, for rapidly cycling new marine fish and reef aquaria and brackish aquariums, and for recovering from overcrowding or disasters where the bacteria bed has been damaged or when adding new fish.
It is also quite useful after re-arranging decorations or performing major maintenance, such as cleaning substrates or biological media to "recharge" the nitrifying bacteria population.
Super concentrated 15X Suspension of LIVE non-pathogenic microbes, specifically formulated to extremely rapidly establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification in existing systems.
Useful for rapidly re-establishing nitrification bacteria in case of an emergency
Particularly useful in aquaria with high population densities and when adding new fish
Helpful to re-establish nitrifying bacteria after cleaning rocks and surfaces and after use of medications.
Rapid reduction of ammonia, and nitrite.
Prevents New Tank Syndrome.
Supplied in a proprietary base which provides for maximum longevity
Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists.
Micro Bacter Start XLM 15X creates a nitrifying biological filter in marine & brackish aquaria of all types and is particularly useful for new startups, resulting in cycling in about 7 days in most cases, if directions are followed, and no competeing bacteria or nothing toxic is added (please read this whole webpage.)
It quickly removes toxic ammonia and nitrite naturally through non pathogenic nitrifying bacterial action.
Even though this product is extremely potent, it may be overdosed at up to 5 times the rated dosage during aquarium emergencies. It should be your first choice to remove ammonia during emergencies where the filter has been inadvertently killed or when experiencing overcrowding.
Notes: It is normal that clumps may form in the product and the product and the aquarium may have an earthy smell or smell off and the aquarium water could become cloudy and the smell and cloudiness could remain for many hours after using. This is due to the bacteria themselves and is an indication of quality and is the reason it is necessary to shake product well immediately before using.
Brightwell Aquatics Razor Marine
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $49.99Regular priceUnit price / perUnique Marine Systemic System Cleaner designed to target and clean surfaces of live rock, coral decorations and tank walls
- Complex systemic cleaning polymer product, specifically formulated to clean aquarium live rock surfaces and decorations systemically.
- Benefits are:
1. Gentle loosening of ugly accumulations of unwanted substances, debris and coatings which makes their removal by scraping and vacuuming much easier
2. Flocculation of particulate matter from leftover food, detritus and precipitation
3. Prevents particles from settling on rocks and accumulating
4. Overall cleaning action making the aquarium cleaner, clearer and more desirable, helps keep glass clean longer.
125ml | 250ml | 500ml | 1L | 2L | 4L | 20L
Considerations for Use
It is recommended that activated carbon use be suspended while using this product, as activated carbon can reduce the product’s effectiveness. Once the aquarium has attained the desired appearance, activated carbon can be put back into the filtration system, if desired. Due to the rate at which filters collect particulate material, it may be necessary to clean mechanical filter pads and other media every other day while dosing this product. Simultaneous use with MicrōBacterCLEAN will have a very synergistic effect. If using with MicrōBacterCLEAN , add it first and then wait several hours to add the Razor MarineTM.
Active protein skimming and sensible feeding should be the first steps taken to minimize turbidity and the concentration of dissolved organic materials in any marine aquarium. Water of high clarity that is low in dissolved organic material and possesses the proper parameters is the basis for a healthy aquarium system!
Razor Marine is slow acting and may require multiple applications to achieve the effect desired by the user. Used as directed, it is safe for marine fishes, hard and soft corals, and other inverts, as well as most macro-algae, however, as all animals are individuals, and water conditions vary in many aquariums, animals should be observed closely during use, for signs of stress (corals closing and not re-opening, erratic behavior etc.). If signs of stress occur, or if macro-algae are affected negatively, reduce or discontinue use as necessary. If symptoms persist, do a partial water change and add carbon.Instructions & Guidelines
Shake product well before using! For every 50 gallons ( 190 L ) of aquarium volume: Introduce the following dosages of this product into a high flow area of the main aquarium. Note: 125 ml, 250 ml and 500 ml bottle caps are 5 ml. 2 Liter and 4 Liter caps are 10 ml.
Day 1: add 2½ ml (½ capful)
Day 2: add 5ml (1 capful)
Day 3: add 7½ ml (1½ capfuls)
Day 4: add 10 ml (2 capfuls)
Day 5: add 12½ ml (2½ capfuls)
Day 6: add 15 ml (3 capfuls)
For maintenance, add 7.5 ml (1½ capfuls) every other day or as needed. Activated carbon may be re-installed in the filters once treatment with this product has been concluded.
Brightwell® recommends that all makeup water in the aquarium be filtered by reverse osmosis or deionization to prevent adding phosphates and silicates. Brightwell® also recommends that you regularly test phosphates and keep them at a level of .02 ppm or less. You can lower phosphates by the use of Xport PO4 Cubes, Extrax Phos, FerroxiPhos-G, PhosphātR or Phosphāt-E. The use of grazing snails such as turbo snails and nerites can be very helpful in cleaning the rocks and other surfaces. Use withMicrōBacter7 or MicrōBacterCLEAN will be very beneficial. The use of RedoxIclean prior to use of this product, to clean up high organic levels or tea colored water will also be beneficial. -
Brightwell Aquatics Micro Bacter Clean
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $49.95Regular priceUnit price / perMicrobial culture & enzyme blend designed to target and clean surfaces of live rock and more
- Complex system of non-pathogenic microbes and natural enzymes, specifically formulated to
clean aquarium live rock and decorations. - Best product to use to combat the "ugly stage," that time right after initial cycling when the tank is
starting to season. Prevents much of the ugliness
- Natural cleaning action on all aquarium and decoration surfaces.
- Loosening of ugly accumulations of unwanted substances and coatings which makes their removal by scraping and vacuuming much easier.
- Establishment of bacterial colonies that multiply and continue to clean the aquarium
- Rapid reduction of organic carbon, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate.
- Digestion of uneaten/undigested food, excreta, detritus, and other latent organic material, resulting in cleaner and healthier aquarium substrate (without having to physically clean or disturb the substrate bed).
- Complex system of non-pathogenic microbes and natural enzymes, specifically formulated to
Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter 7
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $29.99Regular priceUnit price / perComplete Bio culture for Establishing Biological Filtration & Rapidly Improving Water Quality
*Complex system of non-pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic microbes, as well as natural enzymes, specifically formulated to establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification, denitrification, and organic waste degradation in marine and freshwater aquaria through complete nutrient remineralization.
*Reduces nitrates and phosphates
*Used the world over for more than 12 years
*Veterinarian Pathologist tested
*Supplied in a state of suspended animation for maximum longevity.
*Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists.
- Rapid reduction of organic carbon, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate.
- Digestion of uneaten/undigested food, excreta, detritus, and other latent organic material, resulting in cleaner and healthier aquarium substrate
- Reduction of organic compounds into nutrients that encourage the growth of photosynthetic organisms
- Greatly-reduced hydrogen sulphide production.
- Increase in dissolved oxygen concentration.
- Limits availability of pre-existing phosphate to undesirable forms of algae and cyanobacteria.
- Increased water clarity.
Purified water, proprietary blend of natural enzymes and non-pathogenic, beneficial microorganisms.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption.
Sizes: 125ml | 250ml | 500ml | 1L | 2L
Brightwell Aquatics NeoMarine Salt
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price $229.99Regular priceUnit price / perPrecision Salt Blend for Reef AquariaOVERVIEW
- Extensively-researched and tested over a multi-year period, with a formulation based on current understanding of Marine Chemistry and Marine Biology as they pertain to the husbandry of all marine aquaria (e.g. reef, mixed reef, FOWLR, fish-only, mangrove, sea grass, lagoonal, brackish, etc.)
Precision-formulated to replicate the natural seawater ratios of every major element, as well as all non-conservative minor and trace elements.
Creates a marine environment so chemically-similar to natural seawater in all important respects that aquarium inhabitants are not likely to discern any difference between water prepared with NeoMarine and filtered natural seawater from tropical reef waters.
Contains USP, ACS Reagent-grade, FCC Food grade and chemically assayed ingredients.
134 g per 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of purified water yields a specific gravity of ~1.025 g/cm3, with a pH of ~8.30 and alkalinity of ~7.5 dKH.
Manufactured by Brightwell Aquatics in our production facility (not outsourced) under the strictest standards of quality. Every batch is lot numbered and sampled for quality control.
Utilizes a production process that promotes particle size uniformity and a dry, homogenous salt blend.
Formulated by a marine scientist; not composed of seawater evaporite.
Do not mix in an aquarium containing live organisms. Marine creates slight heat when mixed into water; therefore, do not handle dry Marine with wet hands. Marine may have a slight sulfurous odor when the container is first opened; this is a result of the use of anhydrous magnesium chloride and sulfate and will dissipate.
Each 134.5 g of Marine added to sufficient purified water to create 1 US-gallon total saltwater will result in specific gravity of ~1.025 g/cm3. If not using an accurate scale to measure salt, in a clean mixing vessel dissolve approximately 4 oz., or half a cup, of Marine per gallon of purified water and adjust specific gravity as needed by adding more salt or water to increase/decrease specific gravity, respectively. It is strongly recommended that water purified via reverse osmosis and/or deionization be used for seawater preparation.
Place the full amount of water you intend to mix into a mixing vessel. Heat the water to 76 to 78 deg F first before adding Marine mix. Add Marine slowly, mixing vigorously all the while! Allow the freshly-made seawater to mix thoroughly with a submersible pump for not less than one hour.
Always use an accurate hydrometer or (preferably) refractometer to determine the specific gravity of prepared seawater. Ensure that the water temperature matches that of the established aquarium.
Allow water to mix, preferably while being aerated, until pH becomes completely stable, indicating that gas equilibrium has been achieved. Although water can be used in an hour, It is strongly recommended that at least 24-hours of mixing be allowed to pass before adding the water to an established aquarium; this extra time enables gas formed during the salt dissolution to escape, further stabilizing alkalinity and pH.
Note that water temperature and mixing rate will influence the speed with which the salt goes into solution. It is recommended that 10 - 20% of the total water volume in an aquarium system be replaced every 7 - 10 days; this helps maintain proper water chemistry and consequently benefits aquarium inhabitants.
Causes of Cloudiness: Marine is an anhydrous salt, meaning that is is much drier than most salts (which are hydrated meaning they contain water, quite a bit of it). If you add Marine to water too fast, it will cloud.
Water to cold. Always heat the water to 76 to 78 deg F before you begin.
Adding too much salt or adding it too fast, or just dumping it in and allowing it to lay on the bottom of the container without stirring and agitation. Cloudiness will form under these conditions.
Not using the full volume of water. Always use the full amount of water and gradually bring up the salinity in the mixing container, adding the salt over a period of time. If you don't you will get cloudiness.
What to do if you have mixed it wrong and it is cloudy: Cloudiness is not dangerous, it is just the formation of carbonates of divalent cations, such as calcium, into tiny particles. When added to the aquarium, it will dissolve over several days. Adding it through a fine filter sock may remove some of the particles and allow them to dissolve unseen, over time.
Brightwell Aquatics Reef Snow
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $39.99Regular priceUnit price / perBrightwell Aquatics Reef Snow effectively replicates the concept of marine snow by combining a “core substrate” of carbonate-bound, non-conservative major, minor, and trace elements (all in aragonite ratios) with marine-derived proteins and fatty acids (all in coral tissue ratios). It does not contain any sugars or their derivatives. Reef Snow delivers both organic and inorganic nutrients to corals and their allies, clams, tube worms, and other suspension-feeding marine invertebrates; it may be of particular benefit to the hobbyist wishing to maintain azooxanthellate soft corals in deep-water biotope aquaria. The collective benefits of providing these nutrients in the same “package” are increased growth rates of both soft tissue and skeletal material.
Reef Snow does not require refrigeration, however storage in a cool, shaded area will prolong the shelf-life. Refrigeration will maximize the shelf-life of the product.Instructions and Guidelines
Shake product well before using. Turn protein skimmer and other forms of mechanical filtration off prior to adding Reef Snow to aquaria, and allow 10 - 15 minutes after use before resuming operation of filtration. Most zooxanthellate corals extend their tentacles at night, when the majority of coralivorous and zooplanktivorous fishes are asleep and the abundance of zooplankton in the water column passing over and through the reef is at its greatest. Therefore, the most sensible time to feed Reef Snow to corals is after all lights in the aquarium have been off (preferably for at least one- to two-hours) and the room is dark. Using a dim flashlight, illuminate the area immediately upstream of the coral to be fed, then feed as directed below. Slight cloudiness of the aquarium water accompanying dosage of Reef Snow is a result of the inorganic active components entering solution and will dissipate rapidly.
Target Feeding (recommended): Target feeding may be carried out with a lengthy piece of rigid air tubing, plastic syringe, pipette, dropper, or similar device; suck a portion of Reef Snow into the feeding device, then slowly discharge the contents of the device 2 - 4” upstream of the target organism(s). Repeat these steps as deemed necessary. Do not place items that have been exposed to aquarium water inside this container without first thoroughly rinsing them (inside and outside) with fresh water; failure to do so will contaminate the product and encourage it to decompose. See ‘Notes’ below regarding maximum recommended feeding amount.
Broadcast Dispersal: Add up to 2.5 ml (½-capful) per 50 gallons of water in the entire aquarium system in an area of rapid water movement every other day for the first four weeks of use; thereafter, the dosage may be gradually increased if desired.
Notes: Reef Snow should be considered a type of food. Add no more than 5 ml total of liquid food suspensions per 50 gallons of water in the entire aquarium system daily for the first four weeks of use; thereafter, the dosage may be gradually increased as desired. Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption.Guaranteed Analysis
Carbonate 2,769 mg/oz. (93,600 ppm), calcium 1,627 mg/oz. (55,000 ppm), strontium 32.5 mg/oz. (1,100 ppm), magnesium 4.4 mg/oz. (150 ppm), potassium 0.3 mg/oz. (10 ppm), moisture (max) 70%, protein (min) 0.5%,
lipids (min) 0.15%, fiber (min) 0%.
Purified water, carbonates of calcium, strontium, magnesium, potassium, marine-derived proteins and lipids. -
Brightwell Aquatics Micro Bacter Quick Cycl
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $16.99Regular priceUnit price / perREAD ALL BEFORE BEGINNING!
Caution: Contains Ammonia, Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption. If swallowed, contact a poison control center immediately.
NOTE: THIS PRODUCT IS DESIGNED FOR FISHLESS CYCLING. DO NOT EVER PUT INTO AN AQUARIUM containing LIVE FISH, PLANTS, OR INVERTEBRATES. ADD ANIMALS AFTER CYCLING IS COMPLETE!!! This product alone will not cycle an aquarium, it simply provides the nutrients. You must use a good quality bacterial culture to establish the bacteria bed in the aquarium. We highly recommend Brightwell MicrōBacter Start XLM or MicrōBacter Start XLF as appropriate for your aquarium. This product may also be used with MicrōBacterCLEAN to cycle a marine aquarium, but the cycle may not be as fast as using the MicrōBacter Start. DO NOT OVERDOSE, EVER! Be patient, your animals lives are at stake!
You must use test kits to measure pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to complete cycling on an aquarium. If you attempt to cycle the tank without proper testing, you are asking for disaster and will likely kill your fish. Brightwell is not responsible for indescriminate use of this product! We recommend that you read up on aquarium cycling so that you know what it is all about. Please also consult our website at for more information.
This product requires simultaneous use with a LIVE BACTERIAL CULTURE: Bacteria products for aquarium use vary widely in characteristics, strength and overall design. The results you get will be quite different if you use an inferior bacteria culture or one that is out of date or has been stored incorrectly and at harmful temperatures. Nitrifying bacteria is damaged by heat and outright killed by freezing, so care must be taken to preserve its efficacy. If the bacterial product you use is dead, then this whole process will not work! Brightwell highly recommends that you use either MicrōBacter Start XLM, or MicrōBacter Start XLF depending on whether you are starting a marine aquarium or a freshwater aquarium. For freshwater, a more economical choice can be made to use either FlorinBacter One, FlorinBacter or FlorinBacter7.Sizes
60ml | 125ml | 250ml
Instructions & Guidelines
Instructions to quickly cycle new aquarium without fish:
On Day 1:Note: DO NOT USE CARBON, GFO or other phosphate removers until cycling is complete and 30 more days has passed! If you do, you will slow the cycle!
a) Turn off skimmer, UV and remove fine filtration such as socks, make sure aquarium has sufficient filtration surface area, such as provided by Brightwell XportTM world class bacterial filtration medium or Micrōbacter LatticeTM.
b) You must use a good dechlorinator first, such as Brightwell Erāse to remove chloramine and chlorine!
c) Prepare water and adjust pH, alkalinity, and temperature
d) Add full dose of QuikCyclTM at 4 drops per gallon or 1 ml per 5 gallons of tank capacity
e) Measure Ammonia which should be between 1 and 2 ppm total ammonia, which is ammonia plus ammonium (NH3 and NH4+). Do not add more to get the proper reading either today or throughout the days that follow. This is because the bacteria will quickly begin to use up the ammonia, and even though added, it will may not show up on your tests.
f) Add MicrōBacter Start XLM, or MicrōBacter Start XLF as appropriate for your aquarium, as directed.
On Day 2: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite and record values.
On Day 3: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite and record values.
On Day 4: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite. If either Ammonia or Nitrite are over .25 ppm, then you can add more bacteria, if desired.
On Day 5: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite and record values
On Day 6: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite. If either Ammonia or Nitrite are over .25 ppm, then you can add more bacteria, if desired.
On Day 7: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite. If using MicrōBacter Start XLM, MicrōBacter Start XLF and your Ammonia and Nitrite show zero, then measure Nitrate. If Nitrate is showing .25 ppm or higher, then your aquarium is cycled. If using any other bacteria, then go to Day 8.
On Day 8: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite and record values.
On Day 9 and subsequent days: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite. If Ammonia + Nitrite value is zero, then measure nitrate and if there is a reading of Nitrate at .25 ppm or higher, then the aquarium is cycled.
At conclusion of cycling, perform a 25% water change and begin adding hardy animals, SLOWLY. Restart UV, skimmer and filtration. Go Slow!