Collection: Rasbora
Red Line Rasbora - Rasbora pauciperforata
Vendor:Live FishRegular price $7.99Regular priceUnit price / perRed Lined Rasbora
- Species: Rasbora pauciperforata
- Common Names: Red Lined Rasbora, Least Rasbora
- Origin: Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Borneo)
- Light Requirements: Low to moderate lighting
- Diet: Omnivorous – prefers small live, frozen, and high-quality dry foods
- Maximum Size: ~2.5 inches (6 cm)
- Temperament: Peaceful, schooling fish
- Care Level: Easy
Aquarium Setup:
The Red Lined Rasbora thrives in a densely planted aquarium with soft, acidic water and open swimming areas. Adding driftwood, leaf litter, and floating plants can help mimic its natural blackwater habitat. A dark substrate enhances its vibrant coloration. As a schooling fish, it should be kept in groups of at least 6 to promote natural behavior and reduce stress.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 74–82°F (23–28°C)
- pH: 5.0–7.0
- Hardness: Soft to moderately soft (1–8 dGH)
- Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons (for a small school)
Growth and Maintenance:
Red Lined Rasboras are hardy and relatively easy to care for, provided their water quality remains stable. Regular water changes (20–30% weekly) are recommended. They prefer gentle water movement, so avoid overly strong filtration. A well-maintained, mature tank with stable parameters will encourage their best coloration and behavior.
This species is an opportunistic feeder and enjoys a varied diet. Offer high-quality micro pellets, flake foods, and small live or frozen foods like daphnia, baby brine shrimp, and bloodworms. Occasional vegetable-based foods like spirulina flakes can support overall health.
Red Lined Rasboras are peaceful community fish that coexist well with similarly sized, non-aggressive species. Ideal tank mates include other small rasboras, tetras, gouramis, corydoras, and dwarf shrimp. Avoid keeping them with large or aggressive fish that may see them as prey.
Breeding occurs in well-established tanks with soft, acidic water. They are egg scatterers, and spawning usually takes place among fine-leaved plants. Parents do not guard their eggs, so a separate breeding tank with mesh or dense plants can help protect the fry. Feed newly hatched fry infusoria and baby brine shrimp for best growth.
Red Lined Rasboras are not as commonly found as some other rasbora species but are occasionally available through specialty aquarium stores and online retailers. Contact us to check stock availability.
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