Collection: Water Conditioners & Treatments
Brightwell Aquatics Micro Bacter Clean
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $49.95Regular priceUnit price / perMicrobial culture & enzyme blend designed to target and clean surfaces of live rock and more
- Complex system of non-pathogenic microbes and natural enzymes, specifically formulated to
clean aquarium live rock and decorations. - Best product to use to combat the "ugly stage," that time right after initial cycling when the tank is
starting to season. Prevents much of the ugliness
- Natural cleaning action on all aquarium and decoration surfaces.
- Loosening of ugly accumulations of unwanted substances and coatings which makes their removal by scraping and vacuuming much easier.
- Establishment of bacterial colonies that multiply and continue to clean the aquarium
- Rapid reduction of organic carbon, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate.
- Digestion of uneaten/undigested food, excreta, detritus, and other latent organic material, resulting in cleaner and healthier aquarium substrate (without having to physically clean or disturb the substrate bed).
- Complex system of non-pathogenic microbes and natural enzymes, specifically formulated to
Brightwell Aquatics Micro Bacter Quick Cycl
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $16.99Regular priceUnit price / perREAD ALL BEFORE BEGINNING!
Caution: Contains Ammonia, Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption. If swallowed, contact a poison control center immediately.
NOTE: THIS PRODUCT IS DESIGNED FOR FISHLESS CYCLING. DO NOT EVER PUT INTO AN AQUARIUM containing LIVE FISH, PLANTS, OR INVERTEBRATES. ADD ANIMALS AFTER CYCLING IS COMPLETE!!! This product alone will not cycle an aquarium, it simply provides the nutrients. You must use a good quality bacterial culture to establish the bacteria bed in the aquarium. We highly recommend Brightwell MicrōBacter Start XLM or MicrōBacter Start XLF as appropriate for your aquarium. This product may also be used with MicrōBacterCLEAN to cycle a marine aquarium, but the cycle may not be as fast as using the MicrōBacter Start. DO NOT OVERDOSE, EVER! Be patient, your animals lives are at stake!
You must use test kits to measure pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to complete cycling on an aquarium. If you attempt to cycle the tank without proper testing, you are asking for disaster and will likely kill your fish. Brightwell is not responsible for indescriminate use of this product! We recommend that you read up on aquarium cycling so that you know what it is all about. Please also consult our website at for more information.
This product requires simultaneous use with a LIVE BACTERIAL CULTURE: Bacteria products for aquarium use vary widely in characteristics, strength and overall design. The results you get will be quite different if you use an inferior bacteria culture or one that is out of date or has been stored incorrectly and at harmful temperatures. Nitrifying bacteria is damaged by heat and outright killed by freezing, so care must be taken to preserve its efficacy. If the bacterial product you use is dead, then this whole process will not work! Brightwell highly recommends that you use either MicrōBacter Start XLM, or MicrōBacter Start XLF depending on whether you are starting a marine aquarium or a freshwater aquarium. For freshwater, a more economical choice can be made to use either FlorinBacter One, FlorinBacter or FlorinBacter7.Sizes
60ml | 125ml | 250ml
Instructions & Guidelines
Instructions to quickly cycle new aquarium without fish:
On Day 1:Note: DO NOT USE CARBON, GFO or other phosphate removers until cycling is complete and 30 more days has passed! If you do, you will slow the cycle!
a) Turn off skimmer, UV and remove fine filtration such as socks, make sure aquarium has sufficient filtration surface area, such as provided by Brightwell XportTM world class bacterial filtration medium or Micrōbacter LatticeTM.
b) You must use a good dechlorinator first, such as Brightwell Erāse to remove chloramine and chlorine!
c) Prepare water and adjust pH, alkalinity, and temperature
d) Add full dose of QuikCyclTM at 4 drops per gallon or 1 ml per 5 gallons of tank capacity
e) Measure Ammonia which should be between 1 and 2 ppm total ammonia, which is ammonia plus ammonium (NH3 and NH4+). Do not add more to get the proper reading either today or throughout the days that follow. This is because the bacteria will quickly begin to use up the ammonia, and even though added, it will may not show up on your tests.
f) Add MicrōBacter Start XLM, or MicrōBacter Start XLF as appropriate for your aquarium, as directed.
On Day 2: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite and record values.
On Day 3: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite and record values.
On Day 4: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite. If either Ammonia or Nitrite are over .25 ppm, then you can add more bacteria, if desired.
On Day 5: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite and record values
On Day 6: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite. If either Ammonia or Nitrite are over .25 ppm, then you can add more bacteria, if desired.
On Day 7: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite. If using MicrōBacter Start XLM, MicrōBacter Start XLF and your Ammonia and Nitrite show zero, then measure Nitrate. If Nitrate is showing .25 ppm or higher, then your aquarium is cycled. If using any other bacteria, then go to Day 8.
On Day 8: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite and record values.
On Day 9 and subsequent days: Measure pH, Ammonia and Nitrite. If Ammonia + Nitrite value is zero, then measure nitrate and if there is a reading of Nitrate at .25 ppm or higher, then the aquarium is cycled.
At conclusion of cycling, perform a 25% water change and begin adding hardy animals, SLOWLY. Restart UV, skimmer and filtration. Go Slow! -
Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter 7
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $29.99Regular priceUnit price / perComplete Bio culture for Establishing Biological Filtration & Rapidly Improving Water Quality
*Complex system of non-pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic microbes, as well as natural enzymes, specifically formulated to establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification, denitrification, and organic waste degradation in marine and freshwater aquaria through complete nutrient remineralization.
*Reduces nitrates and phosphates
*Used the world over for more than 12 years
*Veterinarian Pathologist tested
*Supplied in a state of suspended animation for maximum longevity.
*Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists.
- Rapid reduction of organic carbon, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate.
- Digestion of uneaten/undigested food, excreta, detritus, and other latent organic material, resulting in cleaner and healthier aquarium substrate
- Reduction of organic compounds into nutrients that encourage the growth of photosynthetic organisms
- Greatly-reduced hydrogen sulphide production.
- Increase in dissolved oxygen concentration.
- Limits availability of pre-existing phosphate to undesirable forms of algae and cyanobacteria.
- Increased water clarity.
Purified water, proprietary blend of natural enzymes and non-pathogenic, beneficial microorganisms.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption.
Sizes: 125ml | 250ml | 500ml | 1L | 2L
Brightwell Aquatics Razor Marine
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $49.99Regular priceUnit price / perUnique Marine Systemic System Cleaner designed to target and clean surfaces of live rock, coral decorations and tank walls
- Complex systemic cleaning polymer product, specifically formulated to clean aquarium live rock surfaces and decorations systemically.
- Benefits are:
1. Gentle loosening of ugly accumulations of unwanted substances, debris and coatings which makes their removal by scraping and vacuuming much easier
2. Flocculation of particulate matter from leftover food, detritus and precipitation
3. Prevents particles from settling on rocks and accumulating
4. Overall cleaning action making the aquarium cleaner, clearer and more desirable, helps keep glass clean longer.
125ml | 250ml | 500ml | 1L | 2L | 4L | 20L
Considerations for Use
It is recommended that activated carbon use be suspended while using this product, as activated carbon can reduce the product’s effectiveness. Once the aquarium has attained the desired appearance, activated carbon can be put back into the filtration system, if desired. Due to the rate at which filters collect particulate material, it may be necessary to clean mechanical filter pads and other media every other day while dosing this product. Simultaneous use with MicrōBacterCLEAN will have a very synergistic effect. If using with MicrōBacterCLEAN , add it first and then wait several hours to add the Razor MarineTM.
Active protein skimming and sensible feeding should be the first steps taken to minimize turbidity and the concentration of dissolved organic materials in any marine aquarium. Water of high clarity that is low in dissolved organic material and possesses the proper parameters is the basis for a healthy aquarium system!
Razor Marine is slow acting and may require multiple applications to achieve the effect desired by the user. Used as directed, it is safe for marine fishes, hard and soft corals, and other inverts, as well as most macro-algae, however, as all animals are individuals, and water conditions vary in many aquariums, animals should be observed closely during use, for signs of stress (corals closing and not re-opening, erratic behavior etc.). If signs of stress occur, or if macro-algae are affected negatively, reduce or discontinue use as necessary. If symptoms persist, do a partial water change and add carbon.Instructions & Guidelines
Shake product well before using! For every 50 gallons ( 190 L ) of aquarium volume: Introduce the following dosages of this product into a high flow area of the main aquarium. Note: 125 ml, 250 ml and 500 ml bottle caps are 5 ml. 2 Liter and 4 Liter caps are 10 ml.
Day 1: add 2½ ml (½ capful)
Day 2: add 5ml (1 capful)
Day 3: add 7½ ml (1½ capfuls)
Day 4: add 10 ml (2 capfuls)
Day 5: add 12½ ml (2½ capfuls)
Day 6: add 15 ml (3 capfuls)
For maintenance, add 7.5 ml (1½ capfuls) every other day or as needed. Activated carbon may be re-installed in the filters once treatment with this product has been concluded.
Brightwell® recommends that all makeup water in the aquarium be filtered by reverse osmosis or deionization to prevent adding phosphates and silicates. Brightwell® also recommends that you regularly test phosphates and keep them at a level of .02 ppm or less. You can lower phosphates by the use of Xport PO4 Cubes, Extrax Phos, FerroxiPhos-G, PhosphātR or Phosphāt-E. The use of grazing snails such as turbo snails and nerites can be very helpful in cleaning the rocks and other surfaces. Use withMicrōBacter7 or MicrōBacterCLEAN will be very beneficial. The use of RedoxIclean prior to use of this product, to clean up high organic levels or tea colored water will also be beneficial. -
Brightwell Aquatics Microbacter Start XLM
Vendor:Brightwell AquaticsRegular price From $59.99Regular priceUnit price / perProfessional 15x strength powerful live tank starter nitrifying bioculture, with much fewer temperature and shelf life restrictions than competing products, for rapidly cycling new marine fish and reef aquaria and brackish aquariums, and for recovering from overcrowding or disasters where the bacteria bed has been damaged or when adding new fish.
It is also quite useful after re-arranging decorations or performing major maintenance, such as cleaning substrates or biological media to "recharge" the nitrifying bacteria population.
Super concentrated 15X Suspension of LIVE non-pathogenic microbes, specifically formulated to extremely rapidly establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification in existing systems.
Useful for rapidly re-establishing nitrification bacteria in case of an emergency
Particularly useful in aquaria with high population densities and when adding new fish
Helpful to re-establish nitrifying bacteria after cleaning rocks and surfaces and after use of medications.
Rapid reduction of ammonia, and nitrite.
Prevents New Tank Syndrome.
Supplied in a proprietary base which provides for maximum longevity
Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists.
Micro Bacter Start XLM 15X creates a nitrifying biological filter in marine & brackish aquaria of all types and is particularly useful for new startups, resulting in cycling in about 7 days in most cases, if directions are followed, and no competeing bacteria or nothing toxic is added (please read this whole webpage.)
It quickly removes toxic ammonia and nitrite naturally through non pathogenic nitrifying bacterial action.
Even though this product is extremely potent, it may be overdosed at up to 5 times the rated dosage during aquarium emergencies. It should be your first choice to remove ammonia during emergencies where the filter has been inadvertently killed or when experiencing overcrowding.
Notes: It is normal that clumps may form in the product and the product and the aquarium may have an earthy smell or smell off and the aquarium water could become cloudy and the smell and cloudiness could remain for many hours after using. This is due to the bacteria themselves and is an indication of quality and is the reason it is necessary to shake product well immediately before using.
Polyp Lab Reef Primer 180g
Vendor:Polyp LabRegular price $49.99Regular priceUnit price / perWHAT IS REEF PRIMER CORAL CONDTIIONER?:
Reef primer will clean away: Zoanthid Eating Nudibranchs, Montipora Eating Nudibranchs, Acropora Eating Flatworms, Brstlworms, Zoanthid Eating Spiders, Red Flatworms, Filamentous Hair Algae, Rapid Tissue Necrosis, Slow Tissue Necrosis, Bacterial Infections, and More.
Reef Primer is gentle on your coral and won't trigger a stress response due to the dipping process. For complete protection, simply dip your corals or frags in the Reef Primer solution for 5 minutes.
Ingredients: Potassium Salts
Add 45g or 8 caps full of Reef Primer into 1 gallon (4 liters) of aquarium water. Mix throughly, making sure that it has completely dissolved. Dip your corals and frags for a maximum of 5 minutes, while keeping the water agitated. Remove corals from dip and place them directly into the main aquarium.
Caution: Do NOT ingets this product. Use in am well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Wash hands after use. May cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation. NEVER ADD REEF PRIMER DIRECTLY TO YOUR AQUARIUM. TO BE USED AS A CORAL DIP ONLY. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.
Polyp Lab Reef Primer Shot 45g
Vendor:Polyp LabRegular price $24.99Regular priceUnit price / perWHAT IS REEF PRIMER CORAL CONDTIIONER?:
Reef primer will clean away: Zoanthid Eating Nudibranchs, Montipora Eating Nudibranchs, Acropora Eating Flatworms, Brstlworms, Zoanthid Eating Spiders, Red Flatworms, Filamentous Hair Algae, Rapid Tissue Necrosis, Slow Tissue Necrosis, Bacterial Infections, and More.
Reef Primer is gentle on your coral and won't trigger a stress response due to the dipping process. For complete protection, simply dip your corals or frags in the Reef Primer solution for 5 minutes.
Ingredients: Potassium Salts
Add 45g or 8 caps full of Reef Primer into 1 gallon (4 liters) of aquarium water. Mix throughly, making sure that it has completely dissolved. Dip your corals and frags for a maximum of 5 minutes, while keeping the water agitated. Remove corals from dip and place them directly into the main aquarium.
Caution: Do NOT ingets this product. Use in am well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Wash hands after use. May cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation. NEVER ADD REEF PRIMER DIRECTLY TO YOUR AQUARIUM. TO BE USED AS A CORAL DIP ONLY. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.
Tropic Marin A-Elements 500ml
Vendor:Tropic MarinRegular price $59.99Regular priceUnit price / perTropic Marin A- Elements contains a selection of essential anionic trace elements for the promotion of growth and the natural colouring of the corals. Trace elements are natural minerals which are needed by all aquarium inhabitants to maintain biological processes in the cells. Corals and other invertebrates also use large quantities of these minerals for their skeletal development. We recommend the additional use of Tropic Marin K+ Elements to ensure a complete supply of trace elements (essential cationic trace elements).
- Essential anionic trace elements for corals in liquid form
- Together with Tropic Marin K+ Elements, the Tropic Marin A- Elements supplies a complete profile of the essential trace elements with only two solutions
- Tropic Marin A- Elements contains predominantly anionic trace elements such as iodine, fluorine, bromine, lithium, vanadium, molybdenum and selenium in pure mineral form
- Promotes strong growth and the natural colouring of the corals
- No colour loss in the corals from trace element deficiency
- Easy to use - suitable for both manual dosage and for dosing pumps
bromine, fluorine, iodine, lithium, molybdenum, selenium and vanadium in pure mineral form.
Application & Dosage
We recommend using Tropic Marin® K+ Elements (part 1: essential catatonic trace elements) and Tropic Marin® A- Elements (part 2: essential anionic trace elements) to ensure a complete supply of trace elements.
Add 1 ml of trace elements (each solution) to each 100 l of aquarium water daily. The trace element solution must not come into direct contact with the animals.
The dose may be doubled if the corals consume large quantities of trace elements (maximum dosage).
Shake before use.
As Tropic Marin® K+ Elements and Tropic Marin® A- Elements are in liquid form they can also be automatically added to the aquarium water with the aid of a flexible tube pump.
Tropic Marin All for Reef Liquid Mix
Vendor:Tropic MarinRegular price From $49.99Regular priceUnit price / perTropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, magnesium and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor. All-For-Reef is a balanced source of calcium and carbonate hardness, released through natural biological processes, along with a mix of trace elements. No mixing, no gas cylinders, no fuss.
- Complete mineral supply with only one solution
- All essential trace elements are already included (all elements of the Tropic Marin® K+ and A- Elements)
- No formation of by-products (e.g. sodium chloride); the salinity and the ion balance are not changed
- No formation of excess carbon dioxide
- Suitable for aquarium stocking with soft corals, LPS, SPS, azooxanthellate filter and/or crustaceans
- Easy to use - suitable for both manual dosage and for dosing pumps
Specifications (per 500 mL)
- Carbonate Hardness Concentration: 2,800 dKH
- Calcium Concentration: 20,000 mg Ca
- Magnesium Concentration: 950 mg Mg
In addition to the calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium, All-For-Reef comes pre-mixed with the same elements used in their Trace A and Trace K
- A- ELEMENTS - contains anions of the trace elements bromine, fluorine, iodine, lithium, molybdenum, selenium and vanadium in pure mineral form
- K+ ELEMENTS - contains cations of the trace elements barium, chrome, cobalt, iron, copper, manganese, nickel, strontium and zinc in pure mineral form
Start with a daily dose of 5 ml of All-For-Reef per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume. Increase the daily dosage – by continuous control of the alkalinity – weekly by 2.5 ml per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume, until a constant carbonate hardness of 7 to 9 °dH is reached.
Do not exceed a maximum daily dose of 25 ml of All-For-Reef per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume.
organic calcium salts, salts of magnesium, strontium and trace elements (barium, boron, bromine, chrome,iron, fluorine, iodine, cobalt, copper, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, strontium, vanadium and zinc)
Application & Dosage
Before starting use of Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef as a supplement for your aquarium, it is recommended to adjust your systems calcium, alkalinity and magnesium to your desired values. We recommend using Tropic Marin® Original Balling - Part A (calcium chloride) for the calcium, Tropic Marin® Original Balling - Part B (sodium bicarbonate) for the alkalinity and Tropic Marin® Bio-Magnesium
Preparation of the solution from powder:
The 800 g can of All-For-Reef Powder makes 5 litres of dosing solution, the 1600 g can is enough for 10 litres of dosing solution.
To prepare the liquid mineral mixture, dissolve 6 level scoops (approx. 160 g) of Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef Powder in approx. 900 ml of reverse osmosis water, resulting in a total of 1 l of dosing solution.
Start with a daily dose of 5 ml of Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume. Increase the daily dosage weekly by 2.5 ml per 100 l (26 US-gal) aquarium volume until you reach constant alkalinity and calcium concentrations.
Once the dosage is established, and the system parameters are stable, measuring either calcium or alkalinity, on a regular basis will monitor your systems changes and needed dosage adjustments. The corresponding parameter only needs to be monitored periodically. We recommend using Calcium as the dosage regulator, as conventional test kits are more sensitive (or accurate) in measuring changes in the calcium concentration than changes of the alkalinity from Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef.
Maximum Dosage: We recommend not to exceed a daily dose of 25 ml of Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume
Note: In some cases, calcium and alkalinity may be consumed in different ratios than from the coral’s needs alone. If this occurs, and parameters become unbalanced, use the chart to make the proper corrections.
Tropic Marin All for Reef Powder Mix
Vendor:Tropic MarinRegular price $74.99Regular priceUnit price / perTropic Marin All-For-Reef is a revolutionary approach to dosing, combining calcium, alkalinity, magnesium and other trace elements into a single, easy to use solution. It's no longer necessary to maintain two, three, or four solutions, or a complicated reactor. All-For-Reef is a balanced source of calcium and carbonate hardness, released through natural biological processes, along with a mix of trace elements. No mixing, no gas cylinders, no fuss.
- Complete mineral supply with only one solution
- All essential trace elements are already included (all elements of the Tropic Marin® K+ and A- Elements)
- No formation of by-products (e.g. sodium chloride); the salinity and the ion balance are not changed
- No formation of excess carbon dioxide
- Suitable for aquarium stocking with soft corals, LPS, SPS, azooxanthellate filter and/or crustaceans
- Easy to use - suitable for both manual dosage and for dosing pumps
Specifications (per 500 mL)
- Carbonate Hardness Concentration: 2,800 dKH
- Calcium Concentration: 20,000 mg Ca
- Magnesium Concentration: 950 mg Mg
In addition to the calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium, All-For-Reef comes pre-mixed with the same elements used in their Trace A and Trace K
- A- ELEMENTS - contains anions of the trace elements bromine, fluorine, iodine, lithium, molybdenum, selenium and vanadium in pure mineral form
- K+ ELEMENTS - contains cations of the trace elements barium, chrome, cobalt, iron, copper, manganese, nickel, strontium and zinc in pure mineral form
Start with a daily dose of 5 ml of All-For-Reef per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume. Increase the daily dosage – by continuous control of the alkalinity – weekly by 2.5 ml per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume, until a constant carbonate hardness of 7 to 9 °dH is reached.
Do not exceed a maximum daily dose of 25 ml of All-For-Reef per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume.
organic calcium salts, salts of magnesium, strontium and trace elements (barium, boron, bromine, chrome,iron, fluorine, iodine, cobalt, copper, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, strontium, vanadium and zinc)
Application & Dosage
Before starting use of Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef as a supplement for your aquarium, it is recommended to adjust your systems calcium, alkalinity and magnesium to your desired values. We recommend using Tropic Marin® Original Balling - Part A (calcium chloride) for the calcium, Tropic Marin® Original Balling - Part B (sodium bicarbonate) for the alkalinity and Tropic Marin® Bio-Magnesium
Preparation of the solution from powder:
The 800 g can of All-For-Reef Powder makes 5 litres of dosing solution, the 1600 g can is enough for 10 litres of dosing solution.
To prepare the liquid mineral mixture, dissolve 6 level scoops (approx. 160 g) of Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef Powder in approx. 900 ml of reverse osmosis water, resulting in a total of 1 l of dosing solution.
Start with a daily dose of 5 ml of Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume. Increase the daily dosage weekly by 2.5 ml per 100 l (26 US-gal) aquarium volume until you reach constant alkalinity and calcium concentrations.
Once the dosage is established, and the system parameters are stable, measuring either calcium or alkalinity, on a regular basis will monitor your systems changes and needed dosage adjustments. The corresponding parameter only needs to be monitored periodically. We recommend using Calcium as the dosage regulator, as conventional test kits are more sensitive (or accurate) in measuring changes in the calcium concentration than changes of the alkalinity from Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef.
Maximum Dosage: We recommend not to exceed a daily dose of 25 ml of Tropic Marin® All-For-Reef per 100 liters (26 US-gal) of aquarium system volume
Note: In some cases, calcium and alkalinity may be consumed in different ratios than from the coral’s needs alone. If this occurs, and parameters become unbalanced, use the chart to make the proper corrections.
Precision Solutions Coral Dip 30ml
Vendor:Precision SolutionsRegular price $38.99Regular priceUnit price / perCoral Dip Solution is to help prevent hitch hikers that are a pest transferred when adding new corals.
- Use Coral Dip Solution as a disinfectant before adding new corals to your aquarium to prevent the introduction of undesirable marine organisms, microfauna and microbial diseases.
- Can be used as a disinfectant before adding new corals to your aquarium to prevent the introduction of undesirable marine organisms, microfauna and microbial diseases.
- Coral Dip Solution is safe for use on SPS, LPS, and zoanthid colonies.
Precision Solutions products are manufactured and owned by the original creator and owner of the old Blue Life range of solutions many years ago.
He has recently improved on the old formulas and updated the product to be even better and more effective under the newer brand of Precision Solutions.
Precision Solutions represents modern formulas that are safe, effective and better value for money.
Precision Solutions provide up to 50% more at the same price as other brands, whilst maintaining more efficient results and product integrity.
Precision Solutions Cyano Solution 3g
Vendor:Precision SolutionsRegular price $34.99Regular priceUnit price / perCyano can present a real problem in a coral tank, and this needs a good solution. Precision Solution Cyano Solution is the answer.
- Use Cyano Solution for the treatment of Cyano Bacteria in marine and reef aquariums.
- Cyano Solution will not discolour your aquariums water.
- This package will treat 400 gallons (1514 litres).
- 1 level scoop per 37.9 litres
Precision Solutions products are manufactured and owned by the original creator and owner of the old Blue Life range of solutions many years ago.
He has recently improved on the old formulas and updated the product to be even better and more effective under the newer brand of Precision Solutions.
Precision Solutions represents modern formulas that are safe, effective, and better value for money.
Precision Solutions provide up to 50% more at the same price as other brands, whilst maintaining more efficient results and product integrity.
Aqua One Ammonia & Chlorine Neutraliser
Vendor:Aqua OneRegular price From $11.99Regular priceUnit price / perAqua One Ammonia & Chlorine Neutraliser improves aquarium water by removing harmful toxins such as chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals found in tap water as well as reducing levels of toxic ammonia and nitrate produced from fish waste.
Specifications: Available in 4 sizes
Suitable For: Coldwater, Tropical & Marine
Sold out -
Continuum Basis African Cichlid Salts
Vendor:Continuum AquaticsRegular price From $19.99Regular priceUnit price / perThe Continuum advantage.
Basis African Cichlid Salts is a high quality, multi-component blended true hardness system, designed to add major, minor and trace minerals in proper ratios for rift lake fishes. It also works well for other freshwater fishes originating in hardwater environments. Basis African Cichlid Salts is not table salt, but a specially formulated blend of critical major minerals, together with minor and trace minerals, including iodine that are necessary for the health and spawning of rift lake cichlids. It also has special ingredients that lessen aggression!
Use in aquarium keeping.
First adjust the total hardness (dGH) of your rift lake aquarium with this product. It will not increase the pH or alkalinity (i.e. KH or carbonate hardness) of the aquarium, so it is necessary to add Basis African Cichlid Buffer after properly adjusting total hardness (dGH) using this product. For maximum results, use Continuum Cichlid Elements•T periodically, and after every water change, to replenish trace and minor minerals used up by natural aquatic processes, filtration and inhabitants.
Directions and protocol.
Dissolve 5-20 grams, about 1-4 teaspoons of product in 8 oz. ( 236 ml ) purified water for each 10 gallons (38 L) aquarium capacity, and add per day until the desired ppm or dGH are reached. When setting up a new aquarium, add as necessary to reach the desired dGH or ppm. For water changes, adjust prior to addition to the aquarium. For best results, use water purified by Reverse Osmosis or Deionization. Dechlorinated tap water can also be used, but this will negatively affect the final result no matter what brand of cichlid salts are used.
Recommended values:
For Lake Tanganyika conditions adjust the water to between 350 and 400 ppm general hardness (12 to 14 German degrees of total hardness, Gesamtehaerte or dGH). For Lake Malawi conditions adjust the water to about 200 ppm general hardness (7 dGH). For Lake Victoria conditions, adjust the water to about 150 ppm general hardness (5 dGH). Once recommended hardness is achieved, adjust the carbonate hardness or alkalinity (KH) using Basis African Cichlid Buffer according to the directions on that product.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption. Contains mineral salts, if ingested drink plenty of water, consult your medical practitioner. If in eyes flush with water for 15 minutes, if redness continues, consult your medical practitioner. If on skin flush with water.
Aqua One Hermit Crab Salt 70g
Vendor:Aqua OneRegular price $6.99Regular priceUnit price / perIt is important to provide salt water baths for hermit crabs in order for them to take up important minerals necessary for growth and to aid in cleaning, especially parts of the crab covered by the shell. This can be done by providing a shallow container of salt water permanently in the hermit crab environment or by placing the crab into a salt water bath once every month. When mixing salt water, use Aqua One Hermit Crab Salt and dechlorinated water and mix at a rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per 200ml of water.
Red Sea Reef Care Nitrate N03 and Phosphate P04 Reducer
Vendor:Red SeaRegular price From $16.99Regular priceUnit price / perRed Sea Reef Care - Nitrate NO3 and Phosphate PO4 Reducer
Prevents nuisance algae and enables control of zooxanthellae for optimum coral growth and coloration
Red Sea NO3: PO4-X is a unique complex of carbons that are used by nutrient reducing bacteria. Each carbon in the complex is utilised by different strains of microorganisms while ensuring the specific Carbon:Nitrogen:Phosphorus ratio required for each stage.The Red Sea NO3: PO4-X complex includes other organic-bonded elements that are important stimulators in each stage of the reduction process. These metal and non-metals elements ensure steady bacterial propagation, complete nitrate reduction to nitrogen gas as well as the absorption and utilisation of phosphate by the bacteria.
The fine control of the nitrate and phosphate levels provided by monitored dosing of NO3: PO4-X guarantees the gradual changes and accurate maintenance of the nutrient levels. This prevents the destruction of the Zooxanthellae population that can cause UV shock and starvation of the corals.
Unlike some other low-nutrient regimes, correct use of NO3: PO4 -X will maintain all of the micro-fauna that are beneficial for the reef.
NO3: PO4-X is also recommended as a complete carbon source for use with carbon-based de-nitrators.
Dosage: 2ml per 100 litres per day
Aquasonic Bactonex
Vendor:Aqua SonicRegular price From $0.00Regular priceUnit price / perAquasonic Bactonex assists in the prevention of bacterial, fungal and protozoal (Velvet, whitespot, chilodonella, Trichodina & Trichodinella) infections in fresh and salt water fish.
When to Use:
- When water is changed.
- When new fish are added and in quarantine aquariums.
- When fish show signs of listlessness or are off feed.
Directions for Use:
Not to be used on fish intended for human consumption. Ensure aquarium water is well aerated during treatment. Do not use activated carbon in the filtration system during treatment as this will remove the product from the aquarium water. If sub-gravel filtration is being used, slow down the flow rates during treatment. This product contains a dye which will stain if spilled.
Dose Rate:
Add 10mL per 40 litres of aquarium water. Repeat after 5 days if necessary. DO NOT OVERDOSE. If improvement does not occur, consult your veterinarian or aquarium dealer.
TO GIVE NUMBER OF LITRES: To calculate approximate tank capacity multiply length x width x water level height (all in cms) and divide by 1000 for litres.Active constituents:
Each mL of solution contains: 1.66mg Aminacrine hydrochloride and 0.025mg Methylene blue.
Store below 30C (Room Temperature).
Dispose of empty container by wrapping in paper and placing in garbage.
High standards of aquarium management must be maintained to prevent disease, as fish diseases are often management related. Consult your veterinarian or aquarium dealer for accurate diagnosis and advice.
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Aquasonic Formalin Malachite Solution
Vendor:AquasonicRegular price From $0.00Regular priceUnit price / perWhite spot disease is a common fish parasite that can be introduced via new fish, plants, etc. These parasites appear as distinct small white spots (pin head size) on the fish's body and fins. Unless prompt action is taken fatalities will occur.
Directions for Use:
Not to be used on fish intended for human consumption. Ensure aquarium water is well aerated for the duration of the treatment. Activated carbon will remove this product from aquarium water resulting in ineffective treatment. Remove from filtration system for duration of treatment. This product contains a dye product which will stain if spilled.
Dosage rates:
Use at the rate of 5mL per 20 litres of aquarium water. Harmful to corals. Do not overdose. Repeat treatment after 3 days if necessary. For tetra species, baby fish and scaleless fish (loaches etc.), use at a reduced rate of 5mL per 40 litres of aquarium water.
Store below 30C (Room Temperature). Replace lid tightly after use.
Dispose of empty container by wrapping with paper and putting in garbage.
Safety Instructions:
Will irritate the eyes. May irritate the skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. If product on skin, wash immediately with soap and water. If product in eyes, wash it out immediately with water. Wash hands after use.
First Aid Instructions:
If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia (13 1126; New Zealand 0800 764 766). If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Give a glass of water. If skin contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly. Remove from contaminated area. Apply artificial respiration if not breathing. If in eyes, holde yes open. flood with water for at least 15minutes and see a doctor. WARNING - Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid breathing vapor.
Aquasonic Ichonex
Vendor:AquasonicRegular price From $0.00Regular priceUnit price / perAquasonic Ichonex assists in the treatment of white spot (Ichthyophirius multifillis) disease, without the toxic effects of conventional treatments and without staining.
Directions for Use:
Do not use on fish intended for human consumption. Ensure aquarium water is well aerated during treatment. Do not use activated carbon in the filtration system during treatment as this will remove the product from the aquarium water. If sub-gravel filtration is being used, slow down the flow rates during treatment. This product contains a dye which will stain if spilled.
Dose Rate:
Treatment should be over three days as follows: Initially add 5ml per 40litres of aquarium water. On days 2 and 3 use at half the initial rate.
TO GIVE NUMBER OF LITRES: To calculate approximate tank capacity multiply length x width x water level height (all in cms) and divide by 1000 for litres.Remember:
High standards of aquarium management must be maintained to prevent disease, as fish diseases are often management related. Consult your veterinarian or aquarium dealer for accurate diagnosis and advice.
Store below 30C (Room Temperature). Replace lid tightly after use.
Dispose of empty container by wrapping paper and placing in garbage.
First Aid Instructions:
For advice, contact the Poisons Information Centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor (at once).
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Aquasonic Methylene Blue
Vendor:AquasonicRegular price From $16.99Regular priceUnit price / perAquasonic Ichonex assists in the treatment of white spot (Ichthyophirius multifillis) disease, without the toxic effects of conventional treatments and without staining.
Directions for Use:
Do not use on fish intended for human consumption. Ensure aquarium water is well aerated during treatment. Do not use activated carbon in the filtration system during treatment as this will remove the product from the aquarium water. If sub-gravel filtration is being used, slow down the flow rates during treatment. This product contains a dye which will stain if spilled.
Dose Rate:
Treatment should be over three days as follows: Initially add 5ml per 40litres of aquarium water. On days 2 and 3 use at half the initial rate.
TO GIVE NUMBER OF LITRES: To calculate approximate tank capacity multiply length x width x water level height (all in cms) and divide by 1000 for litres.Remember:
High standards of aquarium management must be maintained to prevent disease, as fish diseases are often management related. Consult your veterinarian or aquarium dealer for accurate diagnosis and advice.
Store below 30C (Room Temperature). Replace lid tightly after use.
Dispose of empty container by wrapping paper and placing in garbage.
First Aid Instructions:
For advice, contact the Poisons Information Centre (phone Australia 13 11 26; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor (at once).
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Aquasonic Oodonex
Vendor:AquasonicRegular price From $16.99Regular priceUnit price / perAquasonic Oodonex assists in the treatment of oodinium and whitespot in marine aquarium fish. Do not use with corals and invertebrates.
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